The inside of the mouse
Using the example of this interactive sketch of the inside of a computer mouse we want to show the need of a fair alternative. If you click on one of the components it shows the function, raw materials and some challenges during the fabrication of the component.
You get an overview about the components which are fairly traded or mostly fair traded in our computer mouse on this diagramm of our current supply chain.
Please click the components in the picture for information (same colour = same component).
Capacitors (5 pieces per mouse)
Our Capacitors
Origin: WIMA, Frolyt: produced in Germany; Vishay: own production in Israel; the different factories supply us with different condensators
Buffer and Resistor
Raw Materials and pre-components
aluminium/ nickel, copper, tin, plastic material (raw oil)
Potential problems with capacitors in electronic equipment(excluded in our mouse)
A report of the NGO CEREAL about working conditions in Mexico.
Chip/Processor with optic sensor
Our Chip
Origin: Chinese producer (Pixart), manufactured in Phillippines
Absorption of the reflecting light from the LED and translation of the physical movement in digital data. The right picture shows the chip from below, you can see the mouth of the camera.
Raw materials and pre-components
Silicium, Gold, Plastics
Potential problems in production
No reports. Common problems (Overtime working hours, inadequate low wages, health damage, missing social security, etc.)
Potential problems in minig of the raw materials
gold, silicium, raw oil
Further information
Report about massive environmental problems in the production of Silicium in China.
Origin: Japanese producer (Nichia), no information about country of manufacture
Lights up the background so that the optic sensor in the chip can detect the movement of the mouse.
Raw materials
Silicium, Raw oil
Potential problems in the production
No reports. Common problems (Overtime working hours, inadequate low wages, health damage, missing social security, etc.)
Our Resistors (3-4 pieces per mouse)
Origin: Microtech, manufactured in Germany
Regulation of power and tension in the electric circuit
Raw materials and pre-components
aluminium, nickel, maybe chrome, copper, tin, iron, silicium et al.
Potential problems in production (not in our resistors)
No reports. Common problems (Overtime working hours, inadequate low wages, health damage, missing social security, etc.)
Micro switch
Our Micro Switch
Origin: Japan. At this point our swithes come from Cherry. They purchase the switches from a company in Japan, where they are supposed to be produced as well. No further information. For the next version of the mouse we want to change the supplyer because the supply chains seems to be a little untransparent. We are not sure that the switches are really produced in Japan.
Underneath the buttons there are microswitches. They transfer the mechanic movement of the hand by opening an closing the electric circuit into an electric signal.
Raw material and pre-components
Comming soon
Potential problems in production (not in our mouse according to our supplier)
No reports. Common problems (Overtime working hours, inadequate low wages, health damage, missing social security, etc.)
Micro switch
Our Micro Switch
Origin: Japan. At this point our swithes come from Cherry. They purchase the switches from a company in Japan, where they are supposed to be produced as well. No further information. For the next version of the mouse we want to change the supplyer because the supply chains seems to be a little untransparent. We are not sure that the switches are really produced in Japan.
Underneath the buttons there are microswitches. They transfer the mechanic movement of the hand by opening an closing the electric circuit into an electric signal.
Raw material and pre-components
Comming soon
Potential problems in production (not in our mouse according to our supplier)
No reports. Common problems (Overtime working hours, inadequate low wages, health damage, missing social security, etc.)
This component is integrated in the chip of our mouse.
Our lense
Origin: Chinese producer (Pixart), manufactured in China
Focuses the reflecting light from the LED for the optic sensor.
Raw materials
The lense consists of plexiglass, made from raw oil.
Potential problems in mining of the raw oil
Violations of human rights during the mining and the transport of the raw oil are quite common.
External link
A exemplary Report from the NGO »SOMO« about working conditions in a factory in China, which produces lenses for mobile phones. The general production steps of lenses for computer mice is similar.
PCB (Printed Circuit Board)
Origin: Greule, manufactured in Germany
PCB. All electronic components of the mouse are conected with each other by the PCB to which they are attached.
Raw material and pre-components
The PCB is made of synthetic material with a glasfiber net, coated with copper and a finish for isolation.
Potential problems in production (not in our mouse)
No reports. Common problems (Overtime working hours, inadequate low wages, health damage, missing social security, etc.)
Our Wire
Origin: Lindy, produced in China. No further informations.
Raw materials
Wires consist of the copper wire and of the isolating coating made of synthetic material and Aluminium.
Potential problems in production
No reports. Common problems (Overtime working hours, inadequate low wages, health damage, missing social security, etc.)
Body and Scroll Wheel
Our body
Origin: Production in Landshut, Germany
Raw materials: Woodwaste products fabric, mineral fillings, natural resin and -waxes. All components are from European origin.
Conventionel Raw materials
Raw oil
Potential problems in production (excluded for our body)
No reports. Common problems (Overtime working hours, inadequate low wages, health damage, missing social security, etc.)
Scroll wheel
Our scroll wheel
The working conditions in production as well as in the extraction of raw materials correspond to our ideas of FAIR.
Scrolling :-)
Conventionel raw materials
Raw oil
Production of conventional scroll wheels
In the plastics industry, working conditions are similar to those in the electronics factories: hazardous materials are used and protective equipment is often scarce; overtime is forced, so workers have to work up to 80 hours a week at illegally low wages. The pollution of the landscape by production waste is sometimes severe: "The High Cost of Calling".